CONTROLLO GENITORIALE - PORNOGRATISDIARIO.COM is an adults-only website, as clearly stated in our Terms of Service, access to our website is strictly limited to persons of legal age. To use our website or access any service provided by the Company, a GUEST must have reached the age of majority in the jurisdiction of his or her country. We also specifically disclaim any responsibility or liability for any misrepresentation regarding a guest's age. Users should also implement parental control protections (PC hardware, software or filtering services) to help limit minors' access to harmful material. We have a zero tolerance policy for pornographic material involving minors and regarding pedophiles or any pedophile activity.

PARENTS, PLEASE BE WARNED: If you are a parent, it is your responsibility to prevent any age-restricted content from being shown to your children or wards. Protect your children from adult content and block access to this site using parental controls. We use the "Restricted to Adults" (RTA) website label to better allow for parental filtering. Parental tools that support the RTA tag will block access to this site.

Anyone who has a minor in their home or under their supervision should implement basic parental control protections, including configuring computer hardware and devices, installing software or filtering services from Internet service providers, to block access. of their minors to inappropriate content. Be responsible, know what your children do on the Internet.


Access for minors is strictly prohibited. Visit our parental control tips to prevent your children from accessing any pornographic content.
The videos on this website are extracted from external pages. The texts and videos are fantasy and fictitious recreations.
Any real person appearing in the images featured on were over 18 years of age at the time the images were recorded.
The distribution, complete or partial reproduction of the contents shown on the website, as well as the exchange with third parties through any means, is strictly prohibited.
In accordance with the 2018 Audiovisual Directive we want to make it clear that:


* Our website is not aimed at the general public but only at adults.
* We do not follow the model of video sharing websites through platforms such as YouTube, Pornhub or similar.
* The videos are not generated by users nor is there any possibility of registration, contact or exchanges between them.
* There is no possibility of registering users.
* The creators of the videos are production companies that comply with current regulations and have the corresponding licenses.
* We ask and demand that all visitors to the website do not lie when declaring their status as adults.
* We also advocate the freedom and anonymity of website visitors and their privacy rights in terms of data protection in accordance with current law.

No member of the administration is the primary or secondary producer of any video that can be seen on this site. The videos are made by national and international content production companies. Above or below our player we include links to the producers of each of the videos. Our users are mere guests of the website without any possibility of registration or uploading any material. We do not collect or process personal data of any user. We automatically receive embed codes from third-party sites that comply with 18 U.S.C. § 2257 of the United States.

Pursuant to 18 USC § 2.257 (h) (2) (B) (v) and 47 U.S.C. § 230(c) site administrators may at their discretion remove any material that may be deemed inappropriate.

Links of interest

ASACP - Non-profit organization dedicated to child online protection, fighting child exploitation through its CE Reporting Tipline and helping parents prevent children from viewing age-restricted material online with the site's label website Restricted To Adults - RTA.

RTA LABEL - Our website is labeled with this system in such a way that any parent can restrict access to our website through the specific software distributed by this company. More information here and here.

Revenge Porn Helpline - A UK service supporting adults (18+) who are experiencing intimate image abuse, also known as revenge porn.

As a parent, you are the most effective guardian to prevent age-restricted content from being shown to your children or wards. We recommend that you implement parental control protections, such as hardware, software or filtering services, to help protect your children from accessing age-restricted content on this site and others.

In order to help restrict access to minors, we have ensured that is, and remains, fully compliant with RTA [Restricted to Adults], and allows all pages to be blocked by simple parental control tools.

Important tools to protect children from adult content

Safe search mode on search engines blocks adult content in search results

Google Safe Search can be activated for: personal accounts or browsers, supervised devices for children and accounts that use the Family Link app, workplace or school devices and networks. We recommend that you enable SafeSearch on the devices of all minors in your care.

Yahoo SafeSearch will help block explicit content in Yahoo search results.

Microsoft SafeSearch will do the same for those search results on Bing.

Yandex Family Search will exclude unwanted content from search results on Yandex.

We also recommend installing, defaulting, or requiring age-specific search engines on your children's devices. They are specially designed to help examine web content such as words, images, and videos. In addition, they are very easy to use and much more visual. These differences help children find what they are looking for without reaching pages that may be inappropriate: Kiddle, KidRex, WackySafe, Kido'z.

Activation of parental controls integrated into operating systems

All major operating systems (Microsoft's Windows, Apple's Mac OS, Android, and Amazon's platform) offer settings to prevent children from accessing things you don't want them to see.

Apple (iOS)

iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch and Apple TV. Apple devices have similar parental controls that can be enabled by following the instructions on Apple's dedicated family site. You can set your children's devices to limit adult content or open only the websites you select. . You can also install special web browsers that are designed to display kid-friendly content and nothing else.

- Use parental controls on your child's iPhone, iPad and iPod touch
- Learn more about parental controls in macOS


Android products, such as smartphones and tablets, contain similar protections, allowing parents to choose what their children can see and do on their personal devices. The Google Safety Center will guide you through the setup process.

Windows 10, by default, offers options for families and parents to ensure children are protected when they are online. To turn on parental controls for your child, go to the Windows search bar, type “family options,” and choose options in settings. Create an account for your child and enable parental controls. More information here.

Amazon Kids+ (formerly FreeTime Unlimited)

Parents receive access to easy-to-use parental controls that allow them to find the right balance between education and entertainment. Parents can customize screen time limits, set educational goals, filter age-appropriate content, and also manage web browsing and content usage based on their preferences.

Dedicated parental control software

Parental control software can effectively block most adult content, especially sites like that register with RTA. Different software offers different solutions, but some of the most popular options are listed below.

Family Link (from google)
Net Nanny
Norton Family

Monitoring applications from your mobile or tablet

Both Google Play and the Apple App Store are already somewhat child-friendly, since they do not allow the existence of any type of application with adult content. Still, if you wanted you could also monitor application downloads:

Request content filtering from your ISP or internet provider

Your internet service provider can offer you solutions to filter your internet connection. Contact them to find out how.

Learn more about digital parenting

The more informed you are about the dangers of the Internet, the better you can share with your children the importance of Internet safety. If you would like to learn more about how to protect your children online, learn how to talk to them, and how to set and agree limits, there are several resources available.